Juicing recipes
Fruit juices are more detoxifying while vegetables are more useful for building and fortifying. Generally (apart from carrots) it is better not to mix fruit and vegetables in juices
Getting started with fruit juices,
Carrots and / or apples often form the base for a great juice
Try a simple mix of
three medium sized carrots
two apples
Then depending on what is in season and what tastes you like add a combination of one, two or more of the following
a piece of ginger about the size of a sugar cube
two oranges
a lemon
a mango
half a melon
a handful of wheatgrass - this is highly detoxifying (check that your juicer is capable of juicing wheatgrass)
Vegetables juices
Again carrots form the basis for most vegetable juices then adda combination of
Two sticks of celery
Half a beetroot
water cress (recent research says this has cancer busting properties)
Chilli peppers (research says these are good for preventing prostrate cancer)