Nuts and
seeds – eg. almonds & brazil nuts, sunflower, pumpkin & sesame
seeds. These are full of essential fatty
acids, vitamins and minerals.
Mushrooms - research published in 2009 by Min Zhang of the University of Western Australia indicates eating fresh mushrooms daily can reduce breast cancer risk by 30%
(especially oily fish) – eg. Tinned mackerel and sardines. These are relatively inexpensive and very
nutritious. Try to avoid farmed fish,
such as salmon, as they are farmed very intensively increasing the risk of
disease and the use of pesticides.
Water. Your body is made up of approx 70% water,
your blood is approx 92% water. It is
therefore essential to keep the body hydrated, by drinking 1-2 litres of water
a day, preferably pure bottled water.